

You might have heard that life insurance will probably never be cheaper for you than it is right now.

In fact, it most likely is! That’s because as we get older, we have a higher probability of getting sick, hurt, or dying. This means that as you get older, your "risk" also increases and the insurance company is more likely to charge higher premiums to compensate for that risk. 

Simply put, the younger you are, the less likely you’ll need to file a claim … which means that insurers can afford to offer you better pricing.

Most policies (like those offered by brightpeak) allow you to lock in your pricing at your current age for the duration of your term. This is a big reason people purchase individual portable insurance policies to fill in gaps with their employer's group coverage, because the premium doesn't change and the coverage stays with them if they leave their job.

So what is it going to cost me?

That depends on a few factors, but it is usually less than what most people think – especially a term life policy. The good news is, it's completely tailored to your unique situation. 


Here are a few examples (as of 1/10/16):

  • 25 year old graphic designer - married, mother of one:
    $500,000 coverage, 20-yr term
    $21.00 / month*

  • 32 year old food truck owner – married, father of two:
    $950,000 coverage, 10-yr term
    $26.69 / month*

  • 28 year old youth pastor – married, no children:
    $350,000 coverage, 10-yr term
    $13.91 / month*

*assuming excellent health and no tobacco usage


Hopefully that gives you a good idea of some of the pricing you might expect to see.

Don’t just take our word for it, though – click here to get pricing for your individual situation in seconds.

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If you have more questions about term life insurance policies, send us an email or give us a call toll-free at 855.348.3091